Did you know that Cyber Crimes this past year in the USA cost our Country in excess of 455 Billion Dollars? This translates to the loss of over 200,00 jobsand rarely do these Cyber Thieves get caught. So the question we need to ask is “what can we do as an Law Firm to prevent our information from being exposed and our Clients data being compromised”? That’s right those that know how to get into your systems but will also instruct your staff how to prevent these massive breaches into your companies infrastructure. It does not matter if you are a Small, Medium or Large Law Firm it is imperative that you conductPenetration Tests on your internal operating systems. No one is immune and more then likely Cyber Thieves will attempt to penetrate your organizations infrastructure and seize your Firm and your client’s proprietary information. Do not wait engage in a series of Penetration Tests on a quarterly basis to ensure the protection of your Client’s Data and your Firms reputation ! Please contact Us Today to arrange for a Cyber Specialist to visit your offices.

Law Firms-Penetration Testing ?
“Penetration Testing has been around the Security Industry for over 50 years. Today on a Global Scale we are experiencing daily security breaches within the IT Infrastructure of all Organizations including Law Firms and the term‘Penetration Testing” has become critically important.