The majority of our missing person and witness location cases are handled in the first 72 hours successfully.
Missing Persons Investigation – Generally with the International on line resources including media databases we have access CSI-Secure Solutions is at a minimum usually able to find the last known addresses and phone numbers of the individuals being tracked whether it be for Attorney’s seeking to identify a witness for a criminal case or civil litigation, Adoption related matters, childhood friends, runaways etc.
The more difficult cases such as open “cold “cases, kidnappings with no resolution or people that are underground obviously this takes a lot more time and talent such as our Investigation s posess. There is an old FBI axiom that anyone even if they intend not being found can be located in 6 phone calls. We like to think that we can do so in the same time frame in the majority of our Missing Person cases. If you are worried about someone’s who are missing Contact CSI, We have qualified missing persons investigators on staff who will be able to assist you with missing person investigations.