Prevent Healthcare Fraud By Using Consent Based Social Security Verification
Social Security Number Identity Theft
Identity theft is among the fastest-growing crimes in America and Florida ranks Number #1 for this crime in the USA. A dishonest person who has your Social Security number can use it to obtain your personal details. Identity thieves can use your number and your credit to apply for more credit on your behalf. Then, they will utilize the credit cards and will not pay the bills. You may not know that someone is using your SSN until when you start to receive calls from unknown creditors demanding payment for items you never bought or when you credit finish. SSN identity theft can cause a lot of problems if hacked.
A US hospital network recently said that hackers stole the Social Security numbers, addresses, names, birthdates and phone numbers of about 4.5 million patients.
While patients are busy receiving, treatment hackers will be busy working on their social security number. According to statistics, the hospital network whose data was hacked amounts to over 206 hospitals across 29 states. According to reported released by Security and Exchange Commission in 2014, it indicated that what hackers look out for in Social Security Number of Hospitals are valuable intellectual property, such as medical devices and data equipment development.
When hackers get credit card numbers or debit card, customers who are notified can cancel those cards and alerting their banks for fraudulent transactions, and are often acquitted of responsibility for unauthorized purchases. And when passwords are stolen from a database, the answer is sometimes more simple: change. Security experts are working to make it even easier, hoping to end the password and replace it with biometric scans as soon as next year.
We have to understand that Social Security Number is a permanent nine digits password of your life. We depend on them for loans, taxes, employment records and financial transactions, hospital bills. It is important that you take all the necessary measures to prevent its theft because it is a great password to your life especially when you are in the sick bed.
What to do when your SSN is Hacked or Stolen:
Place a security freeze on your account. This blocks information and prohibits credit agencies from giving out your details without permission. It can be annoying, but it is important that you take this measure to avoid the disaster you will receive later.
Contact the Social Security Administration
The agency should know the theft regardless of whether you are collecting benefits from them or not. In cases of synthetic identity theft, criminals associate a victim’s Social Security Number of the victim with a new name to create a shady character. Also be sure to check if your Social Security benefits are aligned with the amount of money you expect.
If you start getting unknown calls from debt collectors, don’t abandon them. A thief could be responsible for the debts owed to the Social Security number – especially hospital debts.
How to use our Consent Based SSN Verification to protect your SSN against Theft
As part of CSI Secure Solutions efforts as Private Investigators specializing in the prevention and identification of Fraud, and through a strategic partnership we are offering a service that would enable our clients to protect their Business’s. against Fraud. This verification process will help detect when patients, vendors and/or employees are presenting a falsified or stolen SSN.
At CSI-Secure Solutions we put our clients first in all we do, the Consent Based SSN Verification has the following features:
- It complies with Industry Standard for PII (Personally Identifiable Information) validation from the SSA.
- It minimizes unauthorized applicants to reduce net charge-offs, loan losses, intelligent and bad hires.
- It matches your SSN, Name, Date of Birth, and Death Indicator to Master File Death Index with immediate results.
It is important that you understand that SSN is a key to the majority of Economic and Healthcare Fraud and it is critically important before hiring an employee, vendor, volunteer or extending credit to an individual that you first verify and confirm the individual’s identity by subscribing to our Consent Based SSN Verification process.
Please contact us today and speak to one of our Investigators or Security Consultants and learn more about the CBSSN program and how to protect your employees, patients and Healthcare Facility from Healthcare and Economic Fraud.
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Chris Cavallo
(1)+ 954-361-6502