Starting Your Teen on the Road the Right Way
Sitting down in the passenger seat with a teenager who is just learning how to drive can be a nerve-wracking experience, as any experienced driving coach can tell you. Eventually, though, the time comes when your youngster must learn the rules of the road, and there are a few things that you might want to know before you actually begin the process. Having the right strategies can make all the difference when it comes to teaching your teen how to drive safely.
What car should your child drive? How do you lay the groundwork for road safety and vehicle maintenance? Where do you begin? It can easily start to feel overwhelming, so here are a few tips from CSI Secure Solutions that will help you teach your kid how to be a safe driver.
Find the Right Wheels
When your teen is starting out on the road, the right car can really help them drive more safely. Ideally, your child’s first car will be one with safety features, like rear-view cameras and electronic stability control. At the same time, you want to avoid a massive, bulky, cumbersome vehicle that’s nearly impossible to drive. Look at safety ratings and specifications online and find a car that will be easily maneuvered and parked, while still offering sufficient protection in the event of a crash.
The area where you live will also play a part in this decision. If you live in a large city with many people, you’ll likely want a smaller car to maneuver with greater ease. A truck might be more appropriate if you’re living in a rural area.
As Bankrate points out, a quality used vehicle is often a best choice in terms of insurance and budget. Look online to see what kind of vehicle you can afford, and make the right choice for your budget and your young driver’s needs.
Get a Great Insurance Policy
As Car Insurance Comparison explains, insurance premiums are based on a variety of factors. Young drivers pay higher rates because their lack of experience driving makes them a higher risk, so you’ll really want to shop around and look at which providers offer the most affordable plans. It may seem like rates should be relatively similar, but many companies offer special discounts for things like being a student or banking with a credit union. It can be well worth your while to ask about discounts along with rates and other fees before committing to one company.
Things like gender and location can affect the cost of premiums, as well as the type of vehicle, the amount of insurance coverage desired, and so forth. Taking a defensive driving course can reduce long-term costs, as well as keeping up a safe driving record over time.
Teach Your Teen About Regular Maintenance
Keeping your car in good shape is incredibly important, so you should teach your teen to address those “check-engine” lights as soon as they come on. Teach your new driver to get the oil changed, the brakes serviced, and a general tune-up at regular intervals, so they understand how to keep their car running in tip-top shape.
Car maintenance is no joke. Learning this lesson the hard way can not only be expensive, it can be dangerous if your car breaks down on the highway or in another busy area.
Learn to Minimize Distractions
There are more distractions for drivers than ever, so you’ll want to make sure your teen knows how to stay focused when they’re on the road. Teach them to use their phones for navigation but not to get distracted by changing the music or checking texts while driving. Practicing proper driving awareness can make a huge difference when it comes to safety on the road, and minimizing accidents is a great way to keep insurance costs down as well.
Teens can learn how to drive safely, and there are a few strategies that can make all the difference. Begin with a well-chosen vehicle, proper coverage, and some basic ground rules. Teach your child properly, and they’ll be sure to become safe, conscientious drivers.
We hope our teenaged drivers will never get into a car accident, but the reality is that it happens. If things don’t go smoothly and your new driver is injured, contact Best Personal Injury Investigator to gather information for you.